Raise RightEarn cash back on purchases you're already making through purchasing gift cards. Cash back amounts vary depending on seller.
Woodland RaiseRight link & enrollment code: F3WK37UUVSJ9 |
Kroger Community RewardsAdd 'Woodland Band Booster Association' to your Kroger account.
How to:
Coffee, Popcorn and SnacksFundraising is a vital part of our program and we need everyone's help in order to reach our goals and have a successful year. This fundraiser is one of the most efficient ways to raise the most amount of money in the least amount of time.
The best way you can contribute is to help your student gather 20-25 or more cell phone numbers from people who are likely to support them. See the list below for ideas of potential supporters! Potential supporters will be contacted through email or cell phone number where you student can send a personalized message asking for donations to help pay their band dues and fundraise for the band program.
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ROCKATHON AD SPONSORSDeadline Friday, 8/16/2024
The Rockathon changes the way we raise money for the band program. Instead of us buying more candy bars, cheesecakes, frozen pies or wrapping paper, the students and parents will contact local area businesses and offer sponsorship opportunities, complete with their ads on banners and lots of recognition for their support. There are different sponsorship levels for any donation amount. WBBA will have banners printed that will be seen at games, concerts and other events as well as sharing the sponsors ad on our social media platforms. We encourage our band families to use the services offered by our sponsors and build a wide base of community and financial support for the band. This fundraiser ends with a band party for those who participated in the fundraiser.
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Launch-a-thonFall 2025